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Give a Young Person a Mentor

Give a Young Person a Mentor!

Young Adult

We are very excited to celebrate that in the last 5 years we have given a trained mentor together with ongoing support to 2,714 at-risk young people in the UK and Latin America. In 2023 we were able to give 741 young people a mentor.

Our Christmas 2023 appeal enabled us to give over 300 young people a mentor in 2024. Our aim is for this to become an additional 1,500 young people with their own mentor by the end of 2024

Would you consider supporting us to provide a chance for hope to the young people who need it most?


As a thank you for your donation, we will give monthly-giving donors a copy of our online Foundational Specialist Mentoring course. You can take this course yourself or choose who you would like to give it to.

To one-off givers, we will gift you a selection of 7 short mentoring resources.


To view a video of the purpose of this course and the course introduction video, click here.

Young People

WHY Mentoring?


Many marginalised young people in the UK and Latin America live in silenced and lonely environments. With many coming from unstable families, marginalised young people often have not had the opportunity to develop safe and secure relationships with older people or healthy role models.

A mentor can help a young person to not only be taught and equipped with essential life skills, but also to be given the opportunity to learn to develop a healthy and trusting relationship with a secure adult - perhaps for the first time.

Together, we can provide hope and transformation to the young people who need it most. Thank you!

"Working with our Nicodemus trainers has helped us focus our future development as a charity and provided us with encouragement and reassurance that we are on the right path."

 Eden Westwood Community Project 

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