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Child Sexual Exploitation, Gangs & Grooming AWARENESS

  • 14 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Introduction FREE - purchase via "join" below. As children & young people spend increasing time at home isolated, lonely, and struggling with their mental health, they quickly become vulnerable to being pulled into and exploring a dangerous world perceived as offering potential opportunity to them. A large majority of at-risk children & young people are turning online and are becoming vulnerable to perpetrators wishing to expose and involve them in grooming, gangs, crime and anti-social behaviour, sexual exploitation, and drug running across county lines. How can we, frontline community mentors and workers, support our communities facing this crisis? How can we support vulnerable families and communities following an intense period of the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown during which many young people spent high numbers of hours unsupervised online? In which ways can we build strong relationships with at-risk children & young people, just as those gangs and the perpetrators are doing? ***Produced and launched during the Covid-19 pandemic, this course contains references to increased and more prevalent challenges brought about by the pandemic. On completion of this course, each participant will have explored: An introduction to and definition of Child Sexual Exploitation. The challenges of working effectively with children, young people, and families, particularly following the Covid-19 pandemic. Factors in the household that “push” a child towards a street lifestyle and external factors from outside that “pull” a vulnerable young person to explore a dangerous world of perceived opportunity. The grooming process: online and offline. Key signals and warnings to be aware of when spotting the signs and the abuser. Preventative measures that help to educate and raise awareness of profiles of perpetrators.



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